New Alloy Wheel Hot Stripping Tank 4-8 Wheels from £23,995 + VAT
New Alloy Wheel BW4-8HST Hot Stripping Tank 4-8 Wheels. Subject to status, lease to own rental. We are very proud to launch the new series of chemical hot stripping tanks designed for predominantly stripping alloy wheels – manufactured in Northampton, UK. We have designed and manufactured the hot stripping system, as well as our own multi strip hot stripping chemical as a lot of customers in the past have been caught up between the chemical manufacture blaming the equipment manufacture with the customer left in the middle, therefore by manufacturing the tank and the chemistry together we become a one stop, turnkey solution. Currently if you are using a DCM3 cold strip and subject to the new legislation surrounding the use of dichloromethane you will be fully aware of the cost of being compliant to HSE regulations, as time goes on the DCM3 now is banned in the majority of European countries, with England likely to follow shortly due to the hazardous nature of the product. If you want to get a better understanding please reference the link DCM3: Stripping surface coatings from alloy wheels at permanent industrial workplaces (hse. Gov. Uk). Blast Wash are a division of NCH Corporation, one of the largest chemical manufacturers in the world. Home – NCH Europe. If you are a low to medium user, the BW4-8HST Hot Stripping System will enable you to strip multiple sets of wheels per day and due to the versatility of the chemistry, you will be able to strip different substrates free of wet spray and polyester powder coating, prior to recoating or refurbishment. 4-8 Wheels based on inserting smaller wheels inside the larger wheels. Larger tanks also available, please see other listings. YouTube video link of the BW10-14HST Wheel System with Pneumatic Lift. The tank with the latest technology and safety systems, and LIP extraction, meets all the new HSE criteria and enables you to strip wheels from 60 minutes to 240 minutes depending on the wheels. The tank has a low energy usage by using ceramic heaters and monoethylenglycol as a heating media to allow the conduction/heat transfer to the tank, where the chemistry is held. With upper and lower sensors monitoring the monoethylenglycol temperatures as well as the upper and lower chemical temperature inside the tank. With over heat cut out temperature sensors to protect the chemistry monoethylenglycol and heating elements. Power Requirements 415 Volt 32amp 3 phase Neutral and Earth Power Supply. You will require a 4inch diameter hole to vent to atmosphere the flue – please check your building to see if this is achievable. Please call for further details on pricing. Subject to status, based on a 10% manufacturing deposit. The tank is compatible with other brands of chemical but please check with ourselves first. We have supplied alloy wheel stripping tanks to multiples of companies across the UK and Europe. Customer references available upon request.
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